M/s Katyayani Petroleum Limited was incorporated in the year 2006 (under the Company’s Act 1956) & It’s 5Cr paid-up capital compnay. The Universal awakening and concern, to protect the Environment, has perhaps, never been greater, than what it is today. One of the major Contributors, to the rising atmospheric pollution, in our times, is Auto Emissions.
The Automobile users, Producers and government agencies have all shown deep concern towards reducing controlling pollutants spewed by Automobiles running on Conventional mineral Fuels. We, in our own small way, wish to contribute towards reducing Auto – Exhaust, emissions by introducing the Gen -Next – Eco friendly Fuel – EVERGO Auto LPG.
Katyayani Petroleum Ltd., has been awarded ICRA rating 3 as a Parallel Marketer for Auto LPG Dispensing Outlets in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Petroleum & Gas.
KPL’s main thrust is going to be, the setting up of Evergo ALD’S all over the Country.
In the first phase of its operations it shall concentrate in the states of Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab & Rajasthan. After establishing its Brand identity in these states it shall move to Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnatak & Chattisgarh.
There after it shall cover the other areas of the Country.